Spanish oaks at McCormick Ranch has approximately 230 homes averaging in size between 1,400 sq ft and 2,500 sq ft and the community is extremely well located resting between N Hayden Rd and N Scottsdale Rd on the north side of East McCormick Parkway, just across the parkway from Sandpiper Scottsdale.
The search results below show all McCormick Ranch homes for sale that are within Spanish Oaks at McCormick Ranch but should you want to search outside of this specific area, you can adjust your search criteria to include other Scottsdale homes or real estate in any other part of the Greater Phoenix Valley.
Speak with one of our Scottsdale based team of inVIVO realty Arizona realtors for recent sales data and to schedule McCormick Ranch homes for sale showings by visiting our contact page or by calling us at (480) 788-6473.