Within the Desert Ridge homes for sale 85050 postal code, on the north side of the Loop 101 and on the west side of Tatum Boulevard, are the Estates at Ridgeview Desert Ridge homes, the Aviano Desert Ridge homes and the Fireside Desert Ridge homes as well as a number of other Desert Ridge subdivisions.
85050 real estate currently represents many of the more popular properties in North Phoenix and with the Desert Ridge Marketplace as well as the Paradise Valley School District to support these homeowners, there are plenty of reasons 85050 homes for sale have been moving relatively quickly.
Below you will find the results of all the real estate within the Desert Ridge homes for sale 85050 zip code which does include all residential real estate currently available in the 85050 zip code. These listings come directly from the Arizona Regional Multiple Listing System (ARMLS) which is the most accurate listing system in Arizona. Use the search feature below to locate 85050 real estate for sale.
If you would like immediate assistance from our professional team of inVIVO realty Arizona realtors and brokers, please feel free to contact us by visiting our contact page or by calling us at (480) 788-6473.
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